
Tuesday, April 16, 2024



What would a perfect world look like in your eyes?👀

In my eyes, this world is perfect! Because I was created from the perfect Majesty.

If I used to define perfection from my perspective, it would have been very different from now. When I still had the ability to 'see' well, I didn't appreciate a single beauty. However, it was only after I was unable to 'see' the beauty of human faces and emotions that I became aware that everything I saw in my eyes was beautiful.

We all often don't realize the beauty of the little things. We set beauty standards based on other people's opinions and social conditioning. If we only follow standards of beauty based on other people's opinions, we limit our perception of the definition of perfection.

The disciples asked Jesus (John 9:2-3), "Rabbi, who committed the sin that caused him to be born blind, this man or his parents?" Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but he was born blind so that the acts of God may be revealed through what happens to him.

If Jesus Lord said that a person's disability is seen as a statement of God's work, why do we give up so easily when we are faced with imperfection? That means there's something wrong with the way we 'see' things, right?

We are how we look. Jesus said, “According to your faith be it done unto you” (Matthew 9:29). What do you believe? Do you really believe the words of God concerning you?  Jesus is saying then, “Become what you believe”. Believe what God's Word says of you, and become that which HE sees and says of you today! 

If your faith is not as described in the Bible, at least we are still able to do what we can, right? At least keep moving forward!! Create anything!! Stop being victim mentality.  We are not victims of any situation. Maybe we were in the wrong place at the wrong time. We cannot determine where we were born, what type of family we were placed in, or even whether we were born physically healthy or not. But those don't define who we are.

We are eternal beings who cannot be limited by a piece of flesh that will one day die and just disappear. Our lives are very meaningful. That's what Jesus Lord came for!

Remember that!!😇😇😇

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