
Thursday, April 11, 2024


Being different is a gift!

All of us who look 'different' should be able to embrace our own 'differences'. Because we are all beautiful creatures. Remember it well!

God created us in good condition. When we are born as a type of life called "human", there will never be the term defective product. The term defect only applies to types of fake humanitarian products!

King David was a different person to me. He's not an average human! He was an impulsive man, even tended to be a reckless man! His recklessness was seen when he fought a lion and a bear. Even though logically it would be impossible for a normal human being to be able to fight wild animals with his strength as a teenager, he didn't know the word fear! He was reactive person. And most importantly he really loved God. He's not perfect either. This can be seen from the chaotic internal problems of his family. But why do people only see him as someone who was successful? Is it because he was a successful king? Why not look at it from a different perspective? He's just like us. We just don't know him (of course because of different eras). If at that time there was TV and social media, he would have been the target of mass media gossip, right?😏😏😏

The way we view perfection can be seen in how you identify yourself.

If you are called perfect just because you have a perfect physique, that means that's what you are! Your worth is only limited to your physical condition!

If you are called perfect just because you have a neurological condition and a way of thinking that must be the same as other people, that means that's what you are! Your worth is only as much as your neurological condition!

If you have to be the same as other humans just for the sake of comfort and acceptance of social norms, then you are a fake human!😆😆😆

Should perfection be conditional? If so, it seems like I would rather be born as another kind of living creature than be born as a human! Being another living creature seems more interesting and more 'free' to be oneself than being born as a human being who is 'forced' to be the same according to their demands. For me, being born as a human is a prison.

Come on, guys!! Free yourself !! Don't be afraid to be different!!🙋🙋🙋

If you are ostracized just because you look different that's not your problem, it's their own problem who likes to seek validation! Those of you who are "different" are all beautiful creatures!! Jesus Lord died also for us who look different!! not only for them to support uniformity. 

Remember that!!😊😊😊

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