
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Book Review Chapter VIII

 The real plot twist story line of human being

 Even though religious norms have a crucial role in shaping social behavior, it cannot be denied that the phenomenon of differences is becoming increasingly unavoidable as time goes by. I personally consider it an important aspect of community life, however, there will be many complex phenomena that emerge as times change. 

I am taught that religion is a human attempt to reach God through a series of certain rituals. However, does being a religious person truly experience the presence of God? I don't think so. Personal relationships with God are highly individual, and the status of a person's relationship with God cannot be judged by others.

 I often ask this question to every religious leader I meet, does when we perform religious rituals, that means we define ourselves as people who are known and know God? Does when we truly carry out behavioral patterns according to religious teachings make us true human beings? So, if that's the case, what does truth mean?

I am a follower of the teachings of the great teacher, Jesus Christ. In my opinion, not all followers of Christianity truly follow the teachings of Jesus. If they truly follow Jesus' teachings, they will accept the difference. Jesus told us to accept everyone, right? Didn't Jesus look for the sick and sinners? Then why do we single out people and even dare to judge someone just because they look or have different judgments? Jesus once said that people's views about salvation present day do not necessarily mean what would happen in the future time because we indeed don't know what will happen later. Jesus once said, even tax collectors and sinners would go before you to entered heaven. If at that time tax collectors and sinful women were considered the most disgusting sins and there was the potential to be saved, then what's the difference with the sins that are considered the most disgusting today, namely LGBTQI or the like? There must also be a chance to be saved. That's the logic, right? Then who are we all to judge others who look so different? Our glasses with God are definitely very different.

I believe that anything that is broken can be fixed if given the chance. The bad impact of neglect can be overcome with one word, namely: acceptance. Isn't that what the Great Teacher, Jesus did? He did not refuse a tax collector; Zacchaeus, even eating at his house. When he was with Zacchaeus, He did not carry any doctrinal message. He did not “threaten” that Zacchaeus would go to hell because of his ungodly deeds. The Great Master, Jesus just ate and accepted him. Zacchaeus changed from a sinner to a repentant precisely because he felt accepted, not because he was judged. It's a beautiful story, isn't it? What a great example for all of us who tend to be judgmental. Likewise, what happened to Mary the sinful woman. The woman anointed the Master's feet and her actions were accepted without judgment. Mary became a repentant as well as a loyal follower (perhaps even faithfully waiting for the Master to arrive at the door of His grave while His disciples ran away somewhere, ironic!)

Almighty God certainly has his own judgments and ways that cannot be known with limited human reason. How can we interpret the truth? Meanwhile, before us there are also many differences? Shouldn't truth come from God and not from man?

It is better if we make religious norms a response to our submission to God. Not as a comparison tool or a tool to judge other people who have different views or appearances. There are many examples of religious figures who, although respected, are not always examples of truth. Indeed, not all religious figures make mistakes. However, in reality, it cannot be denied that there are people who use religion and its norms for personal or certain group interests.

Stop discrimination!! Be Fair!! That's what it means to be Human!!

Right, Folks!!


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