
Sunday, June 9, 2024

"Tidying Up" Our Life's Clothes


I took this photos when I served at Victory Dissabled Home. I saw how children with disabilities were trained to be independent in doing daily tasks and folding clothes was one of them. 

I asked one of the housekeepers how to make children with disabilities independent. They answered that any exercise (whether large or simple) but consistent would have a big impact in the future. folding clothes is a way for children to be trained to learn to be responsible in organizing and being able to meet their own needs. It may be difficult at first considering thinking capacity and communication limitations (especially for those with brain disabilities or multiple disabilities). However, over time they will understand any instructions or patterns as long as we consistently teach them.

Often those of us who are considered healthy and physically normal are simply 'lazy' to fold our own clothes. If we don't care about our own responsibilities, we can imagine how lazy we will be in "tidying up" our life's clothes.

Right, folks?? 😊

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