
Thursday, June 27, 2024



Hello Friends...πŸ’

These pictures taken when they all went to the garden to pick vegetables to eat. 

They are not only taught to cook and fold clothes (as I mentioned in the last post), but they are also introduced to nature which provides the necessities of life. They seemed to enjoy picking vegetables. because it seems like it would be boring for them to be at victory home without doing anything.

I love their faces when they learn new thingsπŸ˜ƒ. They are great learners.πŸ˜€

I love themπŸ˜‡

they are amazing, right?πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

What Is Your Acceptance of Differences' Level?😎


According to you….😎

What is your level of acceptance of differences?πŸ˜„

Let's each examine ourselves (with full honesty of course)πŸ˜€

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Is Being Different A Sin? 😐

I'm a neurodivergent (I'm dyslexic and a synestate projector-as time goes by). I realized that I looked “different since I was little. Many people don't understand me because I have a free way of thinking, out of the box and even tend to be impulsive. Many people misunderstand my situation because the differences I show are very different from most people. I used to think why other people thought of me as a 'strange' person? Even though I think I'm fine. Never mind other people, my own family thinks I'm strange. It is because of the different way of thinking that acupressants are often considered disobedient children.  To be accepted by my family I tried to follow their ways (of course I had to pretend). It turns out that what I did didn't make me better, instead it made me even more isolated, I couldn't 'lie' to who I really was. Since then, I have the courage to say: That's enough!!”πŸ˜†   I chose myself instead to appear ‘accepted’.

Being different is not a mistake, friends. If we accept our situation and our differences honestly, we will feel happier. And especially we become more productive!  Why do we try to adjust our unique perspective and brain according to the standards and opinions of many people if we end up becoming even more hypocritical? Just let other people's opinions be, because our lives are not determined by anyone's opinions in this world. 


We are who we believe!😐


That's what's important.😊

Friday, June 21, 2024

Becoming A True EntrepreneurπŸ˜€


I took these photos when I visited them at The Victory Home_the place where I serve.

I just realized that they were not only taught there to be independent in carrying out their daily chores but also trained to become productive people (they were taught to become entrepreneurs). They were taught to make snacks (from initial processing of raw materials to packaging to selling). 

I thought maybe this would be a burden for them, but it turned out not to be the case. They seemed to enjoy this activity while filling their free time.

Can you all imagine, if disabled children fill their free time with productive activities, then what about the rest of us who look healthy and normal? Shouldn't we be more productive in filling our lives?😐

A good reflection for all of us, right folks?πŸ˜ƒ

Wednesday, June 19, 2024



A question about the quality of our lives that we must think about honestly.

Can we really be ourselves? or whether we strive to fit in within social standards?

Are you the original version or a copy?


What do you think, guys?

'I AM'

  Our value is determined by ourselves, not from both other people's approval and validation We are who we are, not what other peopl...