
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Celebration of The Hardworkers


Labor Day is a momentum to affirm our commitment to equality, workers' rights, and a safe and healthy work environment.

Let's continue to unite as one voice to fight for decent wages, humane working conditions, and a brighter future for all workers. 





Sunday, April 28, 2024



We live in a world of words.
When we truly understand how this diverse world works, we start to play a very different talking game. When we realize that the world of words is everything, this world defines who we are, what we are capable of, and what is possible for us. It is everything we describe about ourselves.
So, if we are aware of the world of words by saying positive words, it really does happen.

It's all about repetition and awareness. 

When we get into the habit of using positive words, thinking positively, and acting positively, we can make incredible changes and so on throughout our lives.

Right, FolksπŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹ 


Thursday, April 25, 2024



Hello My Friends.

Today I want to tell you about my friends at Victory Home where I serve. One thing that makes me curious is how they live their spiritual life (especially those who suffer from total blindness). I was amazed by their enthusiasm, even though they have very limited understanding of the contents of the Bible, their enthusiasm for seeking GOD never stopped. They diligently sought GOD. 

For ordinary people, reading the Bible may be an easy routine. But this is different for them. Just imagine just looking for 1 verse in the Bible (in braille) requires effort and time. It's a hard slap for those of us who are so indifferent to the time and gifts given to us (as normal people, of course!). Those of us who are still physically and mentally healthy seem to forget how to be grateful, let alone seek GOD. Maybe it is better that we were born imperfect but instead it makes us appreciate the time and gifts given to us.

We should be grateful that we can still read a Bible that seems easy to read!!

Being lazy about seeking GOD just because our lives seem to have a lot of problems (all of which may be the result of our own karma) is really not a commendable attitude. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

So, be grateful for "whatever" happens in our lives…

Right, folks!!πŸ™‹‍♂️πŸ™‹‍♂️πŸ™‹‍♂️

Sunday, April 21, 2024




Hello Friends, maybe some of you are confused and wondering who I am.  This time I want to explain who I am and my condition (although I can only give a little information). Next, please read my memoir. Okey😊

My name is Luna. I am a woman suffering from alexithymia due to a case of C-PTSD which was treated too late when I was a victim of social conflict in my country in 1999.   I am unable to see someone's expressions, emotions and face completely, I don't even know my own face. I can only see other people's eyeballs and also my own eyeballs. There is a saying that says 'The eyes are the window to the soul'. It is said that when we look into someone's eyes we can see the deepest part of their heart. But that doesn't seem to apply to me. I don't have the ability to find that window of the soul. I do have eyes but whether I have a soul anymore or not, it seems like I don't have any anymore. (That's why my book entitles The Dead Soul Eyes)

In my book talks about the life of a woman who is considered foreign and strange because of limitations in terms of human interaction (it’s me). How I face every challenge and difficulty. How I live, make any life decisions in a way that most people would never expect as a normal person, mostly related to my 'special' condition, will be explained from my point of view. And I'm proud to do it.

Within my limitation, I can be an inspiration to other people, especially people who look 'different' and who are considered 'useless' by social standards and norms in my country - the neurodivergent group because I am pure projector synesthete, I am able to see colors, shapes and frequency of someone talking to me in 3D floating before my eyes literally, (as a survival mechanism)-. 

I have a mission, that every person who 'looks different' has their own story that is worth hearing. How does the human rights motto that says everyone has the right to live not seem to be enough for those who are different - including people with disabilities and the types of people who are considered trash -, that those who look 'different' are still alive and look alive but need more than what they see? still alive. They need the “right to be accepted” properly. 

I am indeed one type of "special" living human phenomenon in my country. I went through many good and bad experiences and I survived in my 'different' way. I really like being me.

I don't make this memoir so I can become rich and famous! Remember that!

I wrote this book so that my voice, my kinds can be “seen” and our voices “heard”!!

What about you guys? Do you like being yourself?

By the way, I really love my life....

I hope you love yours, tooπŸ˜‡


'I AM'

  Our value is determined by ourselves, not from both other people's approval and validation We are who we are, not what other peopl...