
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Pharell - My Morning Sunshines🌞😊


This is Pharell, 6 years old. He suffers from multiple disorders (low vision and low cognition). He is a cute boy.

He loves to sing. What I like about him is that he is cheerful. Indeed, there are many obstacles when interacting with other people related to his learning disability due to his limitations as a sufferer of multiple disorders. He is very cute and very loved by his brothers and sisters at the Victory Home. 

He likes to smile🥰
He is really georgeous😍

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Being unseenable, but Impactful

Do we all have to become flowers to be considered beautiful?

In my eyes all things are beautiful, not just flowers or weed. 
I even like to see the beauty of the invisible.
Flowers and weeds are only visible from the outside. I even think flowers and weeds wouldn't exist without good soil. Because I pay attention to the importance of soil which will later produce flowers or weed. I have more appreciation for other invisible organisms, namely worms. Disabled people are my worms. I love my worms. When I give love to my worms, the land will become fertile and produce anything (including flowers and weeds among them). 
My worms are very beautiful. They're not visible but they're impactful!!😇

I'm not a flower, I don't even consider myself a weed. 
I'm invisible. I am the one who takes care of my worms. I make sure my worms live happily, looking fat and healthy. If all my worms are happy, then whatever form they produce is beautiful...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn't it?

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Fear - how do you deal with it?


Fear is the biggest obstacle for us to shine.

Fear is a sign that we are not truly free.

If we were truly free there would be no word "fear" in our dictionary of life.

Because of that way of thinking, we can shine anywhere

I am a beautiful little candle that lights up the darkest, untouched, most disgusting places, and even the trash.

And I -Luna- and my friends do it proudly...

Thursday, February 22, 2024



"Whoever you are (looking different, especially neurodivergents, disabled people and people considered disgusting scum) it's no big deal. 

The biggest problem for all of us is how do you identify and define yourself? What are you there for? And what will you become? 

That's the most important thing!"


"We won't be able to change many things but we can change what we can change. 

Don't let yourself become a victim of circumstances! Rise! 

There are still many tasks waiting for us ahead! If you are ignored, just let them be. 

Why are we busy looking for words of praise that are not worthy of being spoken from the mouths of people who wear masks?"


-Review of Chapter 13-




Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Salim - The Sweetest Boy


This is Salim, 8 years old boy. He suffers from low vision. He lives in the 'Victory' disabled home. He is a cute boy and likes to talk. What I like about him is that he always doesn't hesitate to express his opinion when interacting with other people. His ability to accept the existence of other people (normal or special) is extraordinary. Sometimes I talk to him. He loves smiling. He's really a sweet boy.😇

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Accepting Diversity Concept


Everyone is different, right? Is being different a problem?

Which group are you all in?

 'Learn through play' group 


'How to play' group."

There's nothing wrong with either type of human, right?

Having to 'be the same' is a prison state of mind.

That is why accepting the concept of diversity makes this world 

more progressive and beautiful.

Thursday, February 15, 2024



Being brave is not genetic. being brave is a life choice.

If we are brave because everything is guaranteed, that is not brave but knowing. If we are brave because we look the same, it is not courage but a feeling of comfort.

The question is, can we be brave when we don't know anything, see nothing, and are unable to do anything (because of physical limitations, both internal and external conditions)?

If we give any conditions so that we behave and act, making a decision is not courage but a plan.

Courage is when we can act and take decisions without looking at whether we are adequately equipped or not.

When we ask God for being brave he will not tell us how to be and act bravely. God only gives us the opportunity to practice being 'brave'.

Knowledge and data do not necessarily enable people to be brave.

Fear is a prison. being brave is the only way we can set ourselves free.

Jesus said: If you know the truth the truth will set you free."

As long as we hold on to fear, it means we have not experienced true freedom.

Be brave, friends!! that is what frees you from any prison.

Being brave is the right choice!

'I AM'

  Our value is determined by ourselves, not from both other people's approval and validation We are who we are, not what other peopl...