
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Cooking Time


For ordinary people, cooking may be an easy routine,
but it will be a challenge for those who are physically limited. 
From what I see they all can do the routine (of course with consistent practice).
We should be grateful to be able to enjoy food that seems easy to serve.
Complaining just because the food is not delicious is really not a commendable attitude.
So, be grateful for "whatever" is served on your dining table!!

Sunday, January 28, 2024



Every child should not considered only
as result of pregnancy.

Every child should be expected, right?

When we dare to bring a child into this world, it means we also have to dare to accept every "result" of our hard work, right? (you know what I mean).

Every child is a beautiful soul. 

It is better if we give each child the freedom to be himself or herself rather than treated as compensation for failure parental expectations.

You all agree, don't you?

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Concept of Diversity in Our World


Our world is experiencing a unique thing called “diversity”. 

Even though this vocabulary has been heard for years,

in reality the concept of diversity has not been fully implemented in our country.

We still use the old concept which emphasizes that everything that is more 'orderly' and organized will lead us to become a 'advanced' nation. 

Is that really the problem? 

Remember guys, diversity is not taboo, let alone avoided. 

It has always happened and is even happening. We just don't realize it. 

Maybe we are aware, but can we accept it? Uniformity will only make us think narrowly.

 Don't 'reject' diversity, let alone be afraid to face it.

Remember, we only fear what we don't know and don't understand. 

What is needed to dare to accept 'diversity' is understanding. 

Never judge what we don't understand.

 Of course, we are all beautiful if we DON'T wear "uniformity" glasses.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

A beautiful good-hearted girl @ the extraordinary_ project

This is Diana, a low vision sufferer. 

She is a good-hearted girl in our community, always looking after her siblings at the orphanage. 

The quality of her beauty is extraordinary. What I like most about her is her ability to accept the existence of other people (normal or special).

I like chatting with her. Have you all known?

She is a psychology counselor who graduated from an undergraduate university.

I admire her passion for being a helper for others.

She is one of those people who inspires many people, especially me. 

That She is "imprisoned" with limited vision does not make her a prisoner of circumstances. She is a 'free and independent' woman.

She's really beautiful, right?

Sunday, January 21, 2024


At that moment they were studying. 
I love watching them do it all the time. 
They are warriors who learn anything to 'live'. 
Their enthusiasm is what makes me even more 'fired up' 
to make their voices 'heard'. 
whoever you are who makes any program using the label "WARRIOR" 
cannot be compared to all of my friends.

I'm proud to be part of them.

Keep the spirit, guys!!!


They are the people who make me enthusiastic to restart the project 

that I have been working on for many years.

They are amazing people!!

I don't regret meeting them. 

They are the ones who make me "alive" again!!

They deserve to be called home.


'I AM'

  Our value is determined by ourselves, not from both other people's approval and validation We are who we are, not what other peopl...