
Thursday, May 30, 2024



Becoming a superhero was one of our dreams when we were little. The busyness of life as we become adults makes us forget it. The reality of life and its difficulties condition us to think more and more about ourselves than about our neighbors.

Does that have to be the case? How can we be heroes to others if we don't become heroes to ourselves first? People who have love for others must first have great love for themselves.

To be a hero you don't need to be a perfect person. When we accept and make peace with our weaknesses, that is when we will become heroes for our neighbors.

Don't expect the arrival of any hero when we are in trouble and no one can help us sincerely. We don't need another hero, be that hero!  When we go through any storm in life bravely and proudly, regardless of the final outcome, that's where we are born as heroes.

Be brave, my friends! Be yourselves with pride! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

You are all the real heros!!πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Neurodivergents’ Social Struggles


Being part of the neurodivergent community makes us all aware that uniformity is no longer a definite necessity in society.  

Every struggle experienced by neurodivergent survivors should be used as an example that everyone has their own problems/issues/struggles. 

It is unfair for anyone to judge other people's struggles who have different brain working patterns than most people. 

Who are we to judge someone's differences? In fact, we have nothing to do with people we consider "strange"... The Lord Jesus taught us to accept "any" differences with great conscience and unconditional love. 

If we respect "any" differences, believe that we are worthy of being called human beings with a conscience.

Sunday, May 26, 2024


Most of our lives seem very busy. We are so busy that we forget that we have priorities. 

Is our worship just part of our daily routine or is it a need and priority? Because anyone who feels he or she is worshiping God will know to treat others appropriately.

Everyone knows that humanizing others is the fruit of our worship of God.

This is what they do every night before going to bed. They recognized their need for God's presence. I really appreciate it. They are the ones who make me realize that in this broken world there is still something called 'hope'.



Thursday, May 23, 2024



The enlightened life of the Buddha is an example for us to become a light  enlighting each of us.

Hopefully we can all be free from the shackles of ourselves and can live in peace and happiness full of serenity.

Happy Tri Suci Vesak Day 2024, My friends.....

Peace be with us always πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Tuesday, May 21, 2024



Is asking too many questions a mistake?

Isn't life a lesson?

Shouldn't the more we become mature and old, the more we evaluate ourselves? Self-evaluation is also part of the learning and questioning process, isn't it?

It seems we have forgotten to be like children who always want to know everything.

Life's difficulties and struggles that are considered 'reality' have made us forget to be like children who always want to know and are curious to understand many things.

Questioning many things is a state of self growth.

Our understanding of many things in the world will grow as we continue to ask questions.

It's when we stop asking that we stop learning.

Come on, ask lots of questions in our lives, friends.πŸ˜‡

Only by 'asking' can we find out.

Because God gives to those who ask and seek and God opens the door to anyone who knocks


'I AM'

  Our value is determined by ourselves, not from both other people's approval and validation We are who we are, not what other peopl...